Flooring is one of the most expensive investments made while constructing a house. In most cases choosing the best flooring for a house is tricky, there are plenty of fabrications to select from for different rooms.
A house can have more than one floor types, however, it should not exceed three types. Before selecting flooring for your house, put in mind whether the material you want will function for you.
Besides getting the look you want or need for your home, it is even more important that what you put inside your house functions the way you need it to.

Before applying the different flooring, types of floor, accessibility of the materials, availability of labour to carry out the flooring type chosen, colouring and maintenance involved after fixing the floor. Cement sand screed, terrazzo, tile or wood can be used as flooring in a house. Wooden floors are good where the ground is dry so as not to create dampness which would much affect the durability of the wood.
What To Apply In Different Room
It is much better to use terrazzo in the kitchen and bathrooms because this type of finish is easy to clean and dirt will show clearly as to prompt the occupant to clean. “Most people tend to apply tile floors in the living and dining rooms especially if funds are in easy reach. Others of low income will apply cement sand screed,” However, hard flooring or tiles is best for dining because if food or drinks spill on it, it is much easier to clean. For the bedrooms, one has to be creative. Materials like tiles, cement sand screed, wood or carpet will do.
Carpets are frequently used in bedrooms because they provide a warm surface but they provide a warm surface but they are easily stained and store dust.
Do Lighting And Colour Matter
The flooring should match the lighting within the house. For example reading rooms are likely to have bright colours for both the floor and the walls, while bedrooms may have relatively less bright colours.

Colouring depends on the location of the rooms, for instance, choose a nice welcoming colour flooring for the living room. If the house is small, it is better to lay one colour and type of flooring mainly in the living areas because it makes the room look bigger.
Colour is very important while selecting the type of floor, through differences in colour may arise especially in hospitals and public places. Different colours will alert the users of what is expected upfront as they use the facility.
How To Clean And Maintain Different Flooring

Every types of flooring requires a different method of cleaning to maintain and increase its lifespan. Use a suitable cleaning method and products (detergents) to make your floor look clean. If you cannot do it yourself, hire clearing services with the knowledge and expertise on how to care for different floors, floor type like terrazzo and tile simply sweep, scrub or mop with water and detergents to make the floor sparking clean. While carpets use a vacuum cleaner to remove stains.
Remove the stain immediately because the longer it lasts the harder it is to clean, for wooden floors use a wood cleaning product or soak a rag in water then squeeze it almost dry. Mop the floor with care and make sure water does not sprinkle on the floor. Dip another rag in clean water to rinse then dry the floor well to prevent it from getting damaged.
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